Monday, June 23, 2008

Session 3 Summary

The group met on Friday morning and continued a debate that had become a theme for them: whether to investigate the house directly or continue their line of tangent inquiries. Once again the group decided that too much knowledge was never enough when dealing with something as strange as a haunting. With this in mind they headed to the Police Station to see if they could dig anything up on the 1912 raid of the Chapel of Contemplation.

Soon after arriving, Jimmy was called away on business. The others in the group spoke with an officer who had been at the scene. He showed them a mug shot of Rev. Michael Thomas, a man who didn't look a day over 50. The group deduced that either the man was of extreme good health, or there must have been a second Michael Thomas. The group also learned that the good Reverend left behind a mummified corpse when he passed away, most likely due to the extremely hot summer and poor conditions of his cell. No autopsy was performed.

The officer also informed them of a recent report of vandalism at the old church. The intrepid investigators decided that they had delayed visiting the old church for too long. A short drive to Copp Hill Terrace revealed a weedy and rubble strewn site where the old church once stood. On a crumbled wall the group found a yellow sign painted on it, one which had obviously been placed there recently. Comparing notes later, each investigator confirmed the same occurrence: looking at the sign for too long caused a throbbing sensation, like a buzzing headache. (will supply pic when I'm home)

Before they could discuss this, the floor collapsed underneath them, causing young Ben to fall and sprain his leg. This discomfort gave way to pure curiosity as he found himself in the church's untouched basement. Church records lined the walls, two skeletons in burnt silken robes lay in a corner... but the jewel of the find was an old Latin Tome chained to a desk. Unable to remove it from its binding, the group left Harvey behind to guard while they went to a hardware store. (will supply list of gear purchased when I review the logs at home) Returning with a gas torch they quickly broke the chain and retrieved the book. Ben noted it would take him some hours to skim the text but that its roughly translated title was "Secrets of the Worm."

Without delay they proceeded to the Macario home and found it to be a decaying and foreboding hunk of stone abutted by office buildings. Inside the group found a living room filled with catholic iconography, a kitchen with rotting food set out on a table, an empty coat room, and two storage rooms filled with refuse. In the last storage room they pried open a locked cupboard and found Walter Corbitt's four volume diary. Filled with the ravings of a madman, it appeared to recount his quest for ... something. Finishing with the line "It is ready, I shall prepare myself to meet He Who Waits in the Dark."

As the group contemplated their findings, they heard a loud thud from upstairs as if something heavy had hit the ground...

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