Monday, June 2, 2008

Character Backstory

Start thinking about a character idea. You don't need to know any rules at this point, just figure it out from a story standpoint. Here is a list of possible occupations:

Here's a few hints - CoC depends on investigating strange occurrences like DnD depends on 'dungeon exploration'. So, just like you can create a fluffy bard or a non-combat character in DnD - you can make a non-investigator type for CoC - but it does make it a bit harder to play. Be sure to give yourself a little bit of a hook for why you would go gallivanting in haunted houses or investigate the strange murder of a friend, etc. For instance, you could be a Zoo Keeper... but it'd be a lot easier if you were a Zoo Keeper who wanted to find proof of Big Foot.

Obviously I like an RP heavy game, so you don't have to bend over backwards to make him/her Cthulhu friendly -- I'm more excited about interesting than I am about traditional.

Second - come up with 1 or 2 contacts. They don't have to be anything detailed or concrete. These are basically fall back characters. CoC can be deadly, and with its insanity rules, some characters may have to sit out for a few months game time or become non-adventuring support characters. When this happens we will roll up the fallback character who will be set to pick up where your last character ended. These contacts also may come in to play giving you leads in your investigations. For instance, if you were a photographer for the Daily Bugle, your editor and an investigative reporter on the paper may be good contacts.

Third. (Whew... I get long winded.) This is 1920. So no computer hackers or air conditioner salesmen. Prohibition and Gangsters. Flappers and Silent Movies. Communist Scares and pre-Great Depression excess. Let me know if you have any questions.

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