Monday, July 21, 2008

Session 4 Summary

The group entered the second floor of the home in an attempt to determine what had created the loud crash. Jimmy had returned from his business and rejoined the group. Harvey stayed outside the home and kept watch.

After an hour of scouring the second floor, little was learned as to what could be causing noise. Though it was obvious an old cast iron bed frame must have been the culprit, how it rose and fell was a mystery. No one was in the home and there was no way a person could have entered the upstairs and left without detection.

Entering the basement a loose step caused Benjamin to fall a second time. Within the basement the group found loose boards, screws, nails, old papers, and other refuse scattered across the floor along with an empty garbage can and a bent lid. The coal storage chute was empty, the chute door nailed shut.

The basement walls were masonry, save the far wall which was made of wood. This piqued the group's interest and Eddie began to pry boards apart. As he began, the group heard the noise from the cast iron bedframe once again, this time banging over and over again. John and Jimmy left the other two men in the basement to investigate.

When they entered the room the noise suddenly stopped. Jimmy heard a rattling at the window, as if someone were trying to open it. As he flung the drapes away from the window the iron bed frame slid (on its own) across the floor. It slammed in to Jimmy and would have knocked him out the window if not for John's quick reflexes. Ben and Eddie hearing the commotion ran upstairs, but as they reached the bedroom door it slammed shut on them and became impossible to open.

A pool of blood formed on the carpet under John's feet. After several minutes of tangling with the bed, things subsided as quickly as they began. The door suddenly opened and the two men who had been trapped in the room were left with an incredulous story they did not entirely understand themselves.

Not finding a source of the blood on the ceiling below, the group decided it was time to retreat from the house and research the books which they had in their possession for some clue as to what was going on in the house.

At the library, Eddie found a book about Louisiana voodoo cults that used child sacrifice in an attempt to prolong their lives. Jimmy studied the Corbitt journal and was aghast at the detailed accounts of child sacrifice. Corbitt was preparing himself for some 'transformation' through detailed rituals. Though the book was filled with the ravings of an apparent madman, one thing was clear: Corbitt had created a room to await his transformation and the arrival of "He Who Waits in the Dark." A transformation process he learned from an entity he only described as 'From Beyond'. Benjamin studied the Latin tome and found references to several rituals used to contact 'demons' and 'angels' -- the same rituals which Corbitt had attempted with the help from the Chapel of Contemplation and Reverend Michael Turner.

Wacky Internet

Currently my Internet is still down as of this post. Very annoying. Coordinating with Time/Warner hasn't been fun either. I fully expect it to be back up by this Friday the 25th. If it is not I will send out an email on Thurday afternoon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Game this Friday, July 11th.

No game the 18th.